Thursday, July 1, 2010

About how easy is it to get work in miami without a visa

how easy is it to get work in miami without a visa?
hi, im thinking of moving away, and trying to start a new life in miami. i am from the uk, and visas are difficult... how easy is it to get a cafe or bar job without a visa? is this possible at all? also, i dont have much spanish, will this be a problem? hope you can help, thanks! also, what other job types could i go for without a visa, if there are any?
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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You can visit for 6 months for visa free program, but you need work visa to legally work ( any job)there. If you do illegal work, the pay is Very low( maybe $30 per day) and when ICE catch you, you may get deported.
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